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Recognising and Reporting Racial Discrimination

By: Beth Morrisey MLIS - Updated: 29 Nov 2016 | comments*Discuss
Race skin Colour racism racist

Racial discrimination, or the treatment of one or more races in an unfair and inferior manner, sadly still exists across the United Kingdom today. Though there are laws that make racism and racial discrimination illegal in some situations, some individuals and organisations insist on treating individuals of certain races as inferior. Recognising racial discrimination, reporting racial discrimination, and confronting racial discrimination are all things that anyone can do to help end racism and racial discrimination in the UK.

Racial Discrimination and the Law

The Race Relations Act 1976 and all of its amendments and extensions protect individuals from being discriminated against in employment on the grounds of colour, race, nationality, religious beliefs or ethnicity. This Act does not distinguish between whether racist practices were done on purpose or not, it is concerned only with the fact that racial discrimination occurred.

Recognising Racial Discrimination

Four main types of discrimination are described in relation to employment. Direct discrimination is deliberate and obvious, for example if a promotion is being held only for members of one race. Indirect discrimination occurs when practices of policies disadvantage one or more racial groups, such as requiring members of one race to complete more tasks than another but expecting them to get their work done just as quickly. Harassment occurs when the workplace is allowed to become a hostile environment for members of a certain race, whether through direct threats, methods of intimidation or "jokes" about that race. Finally, victimisation occurs when someone has complained about racism and is then treated less fairly than others, such as being denied overtime or their preferred shifts. These actions are all in breach of the Race Relations Act 1976 and its amendments and extensions, and should be reported if they are observed or experienced.

Reporting Racial Discrimination

Racial discrimination and racism can and should be reported as it occurs. Keeping instances of such discrimination private helps no one, but reporting them to the proper authorities can help end the particular discrimination and help to end all racial discrimination. If it is believed that racial discrimination has taken place in breach of the Race Relations Act 1976 and its amendments and extensions then going to court is one way of reporting racist practices in employment. Reporting racial discrimination to local authorities is another method of calling attention to inappropriate practices, particularly if racism is experienced while receiving health or social care. Finally, reporting racial discrimination to organisations working for equal rights may also help to eradicate such behaviours. The Equality and Human Rights Commission, One Workplace, Rewind and the Race Equality Foundation all work for racial equality and fight against racial discrimination in the United Kingdom.

Confronting Racial Discrimination

Confronting racial discrimination when it occurs is something that anyone can do, though it should only be done if the environment is safe for such a confrontation. If it is not, it is better to walk away and report the incident to higher authorities. However if it is, there are a variety of ways that individuals can confront racism and racial discrimination. Every time an individual reconsiders a stereotype, speaks out against discrimination, ceases to make sexist jokes and references, tells others that such jokes and references are unacceptable, and does all that (s)he can to learn from the talents of each individual, regardless of race or skin colour, then racism and racial discrimination are being fought. Reporting the incident afterwards, if need be, is also a smart idea. If everyone joins in, the fight against racial discrimination will become easier and the end closer, so do your part and encourage others to do the same.

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i appealed against a police decision as one of my concerns was that i was treated unfairly deu to a stereotype of my ethnic group.the independent police complaints comission reframed this sentence as i was treated unfairly as i am not British - depsite having both british citinzenship and a british passport for thirty years. leading me to conclude that you can be either british or an ethnic minoritybut not both. is my interpretation correct and is this discrimination
innocentandoutraged - 29-Nov-16 @ 2:21 PM
I witnessed a supervisor of an airport lounge in Stansted deny admission to a black British man in a way that seemed to both me and him racist. Where can I report the incident?
mgs - 7-Jun-16 @ 5:35 PM
Ash - Your Question:
I have every necessary experience to work in the control room, fire expert, First Aid, long time experience in the control room and medically fit, instead my supervisor says he would get rid of guys in here, just because we are coloured and got required qualifications to work in the control room, but no one seems to do anything about it, where can I report this and someone can investigate it appropriately

Our Response:
Discrimination can be where one employee is treated less favourably than another. Indirect discrimination can also occur whereby employer practices would seem to indicate that a worker, or group of workers would lose out. In its early stages, perceived discrimination can often be resolved informally between both the perpetrator and the injured party. If the issue cannot be resolved informally, then you would be able to raise a formal grievance. If you thinking of taking this route then I suggest you give ACAS a call via the link here in order to explore your options. Please also see gov.uk link here. I hope this helps.
AboutEqualOpportunities - 12-Aug-15 @ 2:05 PM
I have every necessary experience to work in the control room, fire expert, First Aid, long time experience in the control room and medically fit, instead my supervisor says he would get rid of guys in here, just because we are coloured and got required qualifications to work in the control room, but no one seems to do anything about it, where can I report this and someone can investigate it appropriately
Ash - 10-Aug-15 @ 12:18 PM
Sick of employers discriminating against whites .
Jonsie - 22-Jul-15 @ 4:57 PM
I live and work in Leicester for the local authority within a community centre.We have a lot of people passing in and out including councillors and perspective councillors,imagine how shocked i was when on the perspective Labour candidates i-phone was a picture of a "Golly-Wog"! with a message saying "Weve found the Black B******D whos been picking on her daughter.WoW. Surely the Labour party are not that desperate as to inflict this kind of person on us or is there vetting procedure up the spout?
Billy B - 20-Nov-14 @ 2:59 PM
Hi I have bought parts from a company in Birmingham on the 9th of December and they told me that it will be deliverd in 3days,i phone them on the12th to ask for the invoice and track number i spoke to 4 different members of staff i was told different stories like its in the post its in warehouse,we waiting for another one because this one is damaged i then was racial abused by one guy who took my order saying you black people you dont understand and you dont listen he carried on shouting African they are big problems i was very upset handed the phone to my husband and he told my husband he was sorry and this company its a big company dealing with people out of the country and i think they treat them as they treating me im still waiting for the parts what can i do about racial abuse. Regards Jane Harris
dube - 13-Dec-13 @ 11:15 AM
I reported racial discrimination to the Adjudicator and the court ordered Home Office not to removed me which they breached 4 months later with New file under incorrect date of birth with false court order and brutally removed me from the UK stating "we do not want anymore Jamaicans here". I have filed 7 reports/appeals to which all have been dismissed due to Forged Court order 'CO/32692/04' dated Sept. 17, 2004. Home Office MEU forging court orders to remove Jamaicans. I did not enter the UK illegally. Immigration Officer failed to stamp my passport with landing & visa stamp when I returned from 2 weeks in Jamaica. Home Office mislaid my passport for years and when I apply for indefinite to remain, they used unfounded charge of illegal entry to removed me from the UK even though the Adjudicator dismiss their charge & grant me 'indefinite bail' awaiting trial. Home Office MEU breached Court order CO/2692/04 with forged court order CO/32692/04 & breaches the ECHR law, Article 8(2) unlawful interference by a public authority and Article 6(1) absolute right to Public & Fair trial with Principle of 'equality of arms', right of access to the court as in my absence, Home Office MEU create New File under incorrect date of birth and passed in my appeals with Forged/False Court order 'CO/32692/04' dated Sept. 17, 2004 as my Outcome which cause all my appeals to be dismissed citing 'case already tried' as per CO/8565/11
Annakay - 13-Dec-12 @ 7:28 PM
I think there is no official place to investigate racial discrimination asI submitted in many places but unfortunately no one take action.
dawood - 29-Jul-11 @ 3:50 PM
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