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Your Rights in the Workplace

By: Beth Morrisey MLIS - Updated: 1 Aug 2019 | comments*Discuss
Rights Work Union Worker Rights

Though it may not always feel like, employees always have certain rights and responsibilities in the workplace. Workers in the United Kingdom are entitled to certain health and safety protections, a workplace free of discrimination and harassment, protection of basic human rights and representation such as in a union or by a rights watchdog agency.

Health and Safety

Every worker in the United Kingdom has the right to work in an environment where risks to their health and safety are minimised as much as possible. These risks must be consistently controlled, meaning that it is the responsibility of every employer and employee to cooperate in contributing to healthy, safe working environments. Not only do health and safety regulations govern the physical health of workers in the workplace, but the mental and emotional health as well. Because employers have a duty to speak with employees about health and safety, a Safety Representative may act on behalf of all workers. Most health and safety requirements in UK workplaces stem from the Health and Safety at Work Act. For more information about health and safety issues in the workplace, contact the Health and Safety Executive (www.hse.gov.uk).

Discrimination and Harassment

Every worker in the United Kingdom has the right to work in an environment free from harassment and protected from discrimination based on age, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation and disability status (at the very least). Discrimination is defined as an employer treating one employee less favourably than another. Harassment encompasses intimidating or offensive behaviours, including language. Discrimination and/or harassment do not need to be intended in order to be present, they may be indirect but still harmful to workers. For further information on a worker's right to a workplace free from discrimination and harassment contact the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) on 08457 47 47 47. This free, confidential helpline is open between 8am and 6pm on weekdays.

Human Rights In the Workplace

It has been said that "workers rights are human rights" and indeed much human rights law is already present in employment laws in the United Kingdom. For employees of public bodies, there is a further layer of protection for their human rights. The Human Rights Act includes provisions for workers to have a right to a private life (free of monitoring) and the right to see any information an employee may hold about them. These provisions can be violated or suspended, however, if an Act of Parliament compels an employer to do so.

Workers Rights Representation

Workers in the United Kingdom are also entitled to representation. For many workers this means joining a union. The right to unionise is protected in the United Kingdom, though in Northern Ireland there may be certain restrictions. The right to not unionise is also protected. This means that no worker can be treated differently for belonging to or not belonging to a union. There are also some workers rights watchdog agencies that can help represent workers. The Workers Rights Consortium (www.workersrights.org) is one such agency that works throughout the world to monitor working conditions and expose unfair labour practices.

Certain workers rights are protected by law in the United Kingdom. The right to certain standards of health and safety in the workplace, the right to a workplace free of discrimination and harassment, the right to human rights protection in the workplace and the right to representation are just a few of the workers rights that are specifically protected in the UK.

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Senior management.. often scream and shout at the team. Things not investigated before the blame game starts.Staff behaviours freely discussed in public areas !!
Lala - 13-Jul-19 @ 6:33 PM
I work at M&S Distribution Centre in the East Midlands and only started working there since the beginning of May 2019, previously I worked for the NHS for 13 years and have done previous warehouse work with Boots. Everything is wrong in M&S that I am surprised that they have never been investigated for abuse to tax fraud. Since I have been working there, there is mixed information given to new starters about their basic rights; there is no information given in the interview relevant to the role and the managers are bullies. If any of those managers even got a job in another market or retailers, I am sure they would simply be sacked. During a 12 hour shift, in which you can't sit, they not only stand behind you but reject the notions of you being allowed to talk whilst you work, while favorite workers who do less work listen to music. The worst, that I have seen is a Coach shouting full volume at an employee, worse than anything that can justify such a action. Sadly everything is wrong with the warehouse and it doesn't represent the image that M&S gives to the world. Will be leaving soon to go back to a professional setting, just hope the employees realize that they DO have 'rights'.
Ali - 8-Jul-19 @ 8:16 PM
Hey I have had trouble at my work I had my manger pull down my shorts at work I then put a grievance in about because I wasn’t happy it then during my meeting it kept saying how old are you raising his voice in the meetings I have had my mangers fully scream in my face while I have been working the teared out Everdence out of my note pad of times dates of different incidences I have had happen to me they told my fellow work that if he got involved with my case it will effect his pay rise lied about me breaking parts at work even though I couldn’t have and I have never broken anything because I make sure I do everything the best I can they claimed I was late everyday the made up a fake disciplinary about me sleeping at my work station and said I had the disciplinary meeting the next day about with only 30mins left of the day afterwards I had a massive panic attacks and stressed out and depressed I’ve got anxiety at work because I’m afraid that I’m going to get shouted out I’m with a union at the moment a they are helping me out with it I have evidence times dates witnesses I just feel I have no where to turn all of the mangers in our small company have it out for me in looking for advice or reassurance that’s it’s not my fault i feel upset everyday I’m working here so you think I have done something wrong.
Jas - 18-Jun-19 @ 5:18 PM
Hey I have had trouble at my work I had my manger pull down my shorts at work I then put a grievance in about because I wasn’t happy it then during my meeting it kept saying how old are you raising his voice in the meetings I have had my mangers fully scream in my face while I have been working the teared out Everdence out of my note pad of times dates of different incidences I have had happen to me they told my fellow work that if he got involved with my case it will effect his pay rise lied about me breaking parts at work even though I couldn’t have and I have never broken anything because I make sure I do everything the best I can they claimed I was late everyday the made up a fake disciplinary about me sleeping at my work station and said I had the disciplinary meeting the next day about with only 30mins left of the day afterwards I had a massive panic attacks and stressed out and depressed I’ve got anxiety at work because I’m afraid that I’m going to get shouted out I’m with a union at the moment a they are helping me out with it I have evidence times dates witnesses I just feel I have no where to turn all of the mangers in our small company have it out for me in looking for advice or reassurance that’s it’s not my fault i feel upset everyday I’m working here so you think I have done something wrong.
Jas - 18-Jun-19 @ 9:54 AM
Is my boss aloud to swear and shout down the phone at me?He was quite foul and threatened my job , I’ve worked for the company for 14 years and he has done this a few times now, and I’m happy with it
Jake250 - 5-Jun-19 @ 6:57 PM
My area manager in my chemist where I work never felt so disgusted in my life and to be treated in that way is just shocking. I'm diabetic basically in the middle of the chemist in front of staff and customers he told me if I take a hypo I will walk to the test room to go get something. I said I have to carry something from me . He said what makes you so special and gives you the right to carry something. He kept saying from here to there you will walk . As. A pharmacist and area manager As well absolutely disgusting. Then basically had a complaint and told the customer it was fine basically to shout abuse and swear at staff. So what's next to be attacked and that'll be fine. The area manager doesn't have a clue and so disrespectful of the staff and how that man is an area manager in boots is beyond me. Disgusting man
Donna - 13-May-19 @ 10:45 PM
@Coley - it certainly doesn't sound very professional. But look at Gordon Ramsey he made his fame and fortune from it. But seriously, if you don't like the way your manager is treating you then you can raise a grievance.
BB - 10-Aug-18 @ 3:36 PM
Are managers legally aloud to scream shout at people making them feel scared and uneasy, and are they allowed to push and pester workers to work faster which could result in being unfair
Coley - 3-Aug-18 @ 6:59 PM
I am a mobile care and support worker my supervisor rang me to ask a question I was polite she was polite 1 minute later my manager rang me and started shouting at me this is a hands free car accusing me of being rude theI crashed my car am I within my rights to make a complaint
Nikki84 - 27-Feb-18 @ 8:54 PM
My boss constantly lies calls members of staff takes money out the company account, swears at me and speaks about me on an unroffesional level and for my sanity and health I want to leave do I have to service my notice?
Lorri - 25-Jan-18 @ 9:59 PM
@Dancer - are you living in North Korea?! No firm in the UK should be run like this. That said, if you have only been there for six months you either suck it up, complain and/or leave. You'll be on a probationary period which is a trail to see whether you like the job and/or the employers think you're suitable. I think I'd be walking, personally.
Jay - 8-Sep-17 @ 12:38 PM
Need advice. I started my job 3 months ago and never really had any training. I've been shown how to do a task and left to it for a week or two before being tasked to do something else and then put back. I make mistakes which are announced across an office or the supervisor will storm around shouting. The term "name and shame" is used and they'll shout out who made the mistake. Today it escalated that an issue I was sure I resolved actually hasn't been resolved, but as the supervisor was getting into hot water he decided to bring up I'd been doing this continuously. I was ridiculed by both managers and asked to name areas and then asked why I couldn't get it right, in front of another 8-10 people. I was then told if it continued I'd be taken to a disciplinary. I've been asked to do tasks and asked for help, to later he told I've done it incorrectly in the same manner as above and only then been told how to do it correctly. When some matters arise 1 supervisor makes me walk the length of the office to his desk, where I then have to stand whilst he berates me with at least 4 other people. I understand mistakes are costly to a business but even when asking for help I'm left sitting and the management don't even listen fully to what I am asking so I never have any real understanding. If I ask for help a second time I'm told it's already been explained/shown to me once. I end up so worried about making mistakes, I make mistakes. I constantly feel unwell and on edge at work and usually leave feeling anxious and useless. Is there anything I can do? I want to be good at my job and succeed but I feel like I'm just there until they can find a suitable replacement. They have recently brought in new training staff, who have already received more training than I ever have and they've openly spoken about how they can pay someone off within 2yrs with no come back.
Dancer - 7-Sep-17 @ 8:00 PM
B - Your Question:
I am currently experiencing a problem with one of my managers. I am working in Nando’s so that means I have 1 patrao (the owner) and 2 first assistant and 3 second assistant. So this second assistant has been picking at me for every small thing possible, also saying the way I do my job is wrong, however from everyone else I get a good feedback. For a while now she has been receiving bad feedback about her own job and it seems that she is taking it out on me. Also I have been shouted at in front of my colleagues.I honestly do not know what to do as she is above me and her word counts more then my own.

Our Response:
If you cannot resolve the disagreement between you, you may wish to take the matter to a higher manager and ask for help to resolve the situation. If you’ve tried solving the problem or concern informally by talking to your manager but you’re not satisfied, you can make a formal grievance complaint in writing, please see link here.
AboutEqualOpportunities - 29-Aug-17 @ 3:55 PM
I am currently experiencing a problem with one of my managers. I am working in Nando’s so that means I have 1 patrao (the owner) and 2 first assistant and 3 second assistant. So this second assistant has been picking at me for every small thing possible, also saying the way I do my job is wrong, however from everyone else I get a good feedback. For a while now she has been receiving bad feedback about her own job and it seems that she is taking it out on me. Also I have been shouted at in front of my colleagues. I honestly do not know what to do as she is above me and her word counts more then my own.
B - 29-Aug-17 @ 3:03 AM
little pam - Your Question:
I would like advice please I work in a nursing home and have done for 36 years done all instore training we have since got a temp manager and has told us that we have been told 2 weeks ago that we have got to do e learning on line either go into work on our days off or do it at home it takes between 4 to 6 hrs but we only get payed for 1 hour and if we dont do it before the 11th of december we are going to be took off the rota everyone is worried I work fridays saturdays and sundays we have to have a password to do this which a few of us have asked for I have asked twice and still waiting can they take us off rota can I ask for a extention what are my rights some have been told that it is not worth the paper its written on as we have to print it off when done I dont have a printer as some more havnt got either lots of worried people we will b took off rota untill it is done or untill we have passed can you help please thank you.

Our Response:
I think in this instance I would give ACAS a call, as I don't imagine this will be part of your contract (although I would advise you to have a look before you give them a ring). You will be able to speak with someone directly, or chat on the online Q and A box. It seems rather unusual that your employer has requested you do this outside your working hours, in your own time and that your work may be restricted because of this. You will need to find out your rights and whether your employer is working within employment guidelines. Please see link here. I hope this helps.
AboutEqualOpportunities - 10-Dec-15 @ 11:19 AM
i would like advice please i work in a nursing home and have done for 36 years done all instore training we have since got a temp manager and has told us that we have been told 2 weeks ago that we have got to do e learning on line either go into work on our days off or do it at home it takes between 4 to 6 hrs but we only get payed for 1 hour and if we dont do it before the 11th of december we are going to be took off the rota everyone is worried i work fridays saturdays and sundays we have to have a password to do this which a few of us have asked for i have asked twice and still waiting can they take us off rota can i ask for a extention what are my rights some have been told that it is not worth the paper its written on as we have to print it off when done i dont have a printer as some more havnt got either lots of worried people we will b took off rota untill it is done or untill we have passed can you help please thank you.
little pam - 9-Dec-15 @ 10:02 AM
I am a driver for a lift companyand my boss has been shouting and swearing at me is this correct behaviour. I have been accuse of causing a accident when I was not in the store room when it happen. I just need advicewhat to do next George
weedod - 3-Mar-15 @ 8:30 PM
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